Kind To Nature

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Kind To Nature

KIND TO NATURE has been saving lives and helping the birds and animals in our urban neighborhoods and the people who care about them for over 25 years!

With a focus on feral and unsocialized cats, we assist people in the community, work with other rescues and shelters, and utilize fosters to save at-risk and hard-to-adopt cats and kittens, and maintain the KIND TO NATURE CAT SANCTUARY® providing lifetime care for those cats that are unadoptable or can't be placed elsewhere for various reasons.

Please Note: We do not intake pets for re-homing or do adoptions. Please refer to the list of no-kill rescues on the Resources page for a list of reputable rescues that might be able to help.

Please see our About KTN page for more about what we do and how you can help.

Check out our Resources page for a list of many helpful numbers and websites you can use!

Please visit our Cats for Adoption page for photos and information on some special kitties needing homes. **Kind to Nature does not intake adoptable cats or kittens. Listed cats are primarily courtesy posts for people we are assisting.**

DONATIONS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED for medical expenses, food and supplies for the kitties who are permanent residents in our Sanctuary. Please consider making a recurring monthly donation for their care by clicking on the Donate button above. See also our Donations page for other easy ways you can support our cause and our Wish list.

HELP SUPPORT OUR NEIGHBORHOOD TNR PROGRAM benefitting east/central Phoenix neighborhoods and volunteers. Make a difference and save lives! See more about the program on our "About Kind to Nature" page.


For tips on keeping your PETS safe over the holidays and during cold winter months, please see our Seasonal Reminders page.


"IS IT GETTING CHILLY AT NIGHT WHERE YOU ARE?" Please knock on the hood of your car several times and check under the wheel wells before starting your car in the morning if you have outside cats in your area – they often seek the warmth of car engines when it starts to get cold. If you live on a busy street, wait until there is no traffic coming in case they dart across the street.

Alley Cat Allies has more tips on helping outside/community cats during the winter on their website: Winter Weather Tips

While most of Arizona doesn’t get that cold this time of year (relatively speaking), some parts do and for those of you who might live in colder climates, some good tips for helping WILDLIFE in the winter can be found on these links:
Helping Backyard Wildlife During the Winter
Help Backyard Wildlife Prepare Cold Weather.


Kittens DO YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO IF YOU FIND KITTENS? Please resist the temptation to "rescue" what appear to be orphan kittens. Just because you see them alone, does not mean they need rescuing (unless they are in obvious imminent danger!). Please see our Feral Cat page for more information and instructions on what to do if you find kittens.

FOSTERS NEEDED! Fostering saves lives. All animal shelters, especially no-kill rescues need fosters to save lives of the many animals needing rescue and being surrendered. Kind to Nature is occasionally in need of individuals to foster feral kittens for socializing and cats requiring special care and/or handling. If you can help, please send an email to

PLEASE SPAY AND NEUTER all ferals/strays you are feeding and help neighbors if they need it. Please see our Feral Cat page and the Resource page for helpful resources and information.

DO NOT TURN IN PETS (yours or found), STRAY OR FERAL CATS OR KITTENS TO A COUNTY SHELTER OR THE ARIZONA HUMANE SOCIETY (the AHS is not a no-kill shelter). Feral cats and kittens will likely be euthanized. Please see our Feral Cat page on what to do if you find kittens (or pregnant feral cat). Please contact us or a no-kill rescue group (see Resource Page) for help. See Special Alerts page for more info.

NEVER OFFER A PET OR FOUND ANIMAL FOR FREE to anyone you don't know. Bad people with bad intentions can be very deceiving to someone not skilled in screening. Always do a home check.

ANIMAL CRUELTY IS A CRIME in Arizona and punishable by jail time! A.R.S. 13-2910. That includes people who do not provide proper care for their pets and homeowners and landlords threatening to harm or remove feral cats, harming community cats or tampering with food provided to a feral colony. When we get reports of neighbors and landlords threatening to kill or remove such cats, we will advise people to notify the authorities immediately. We have flyers, posters and handouts available to feral feeders.

PLEASE KEEP PETS INSIDE AND PROTECT FERALS/STRAYS YOU ARE FEEDING!! Coyotes are becoming more prevalent and a constant danger to small animals. Owls are also dangerous predators of cats -- they hunt in the evening and early morning. Pet & Feral Cat Poisonings are being reported in our area the last several months. Your pet or feral could be a victim of paid or indiscriminate trapping. Beware of "pest control" companies and the like claiming they will trap and humanely re-locate ferals - THEY DO NOT! Feed ferals in a protected area, back yard if possible and NEVER leave food out all night - it attracts predators. See Special Alerts page for more information.

Cat Dangers

IN LOVING MEMORY of all the special kitties that have graced our sanctuary and sadly gone, none of whom would have had love, comfort and shelter if not for us, no matter how long they were with us. You will never be forgotten.

Need help coping with the loss of a pet?
Click Here

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